The Bible says in James 1:27 that “religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”(NIV) This is the call and the balance of the Christian community, both personal holiness and social justice. We must never neglect one for the other. This call is similar to the two greatest commandments, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and might, and to love your neighbor as yourself. The money gathered together by our faith community fulfills those two major functions of the Church.
It is our privilege and responsibility to support positive competent efforts at social justice and the sharing of the Gospel in our local community, throughout our country, and globally (Acts 1:8). This includes everything from orphanages, schools, clinics, and water projects in Africa, to church planting and Bible translation projects, to emergency relief on our own soil, and a food pantry for our local village.
Faith Community Church recognizes how the Internet has become a standard tool for many of the financial transactions we as individuals conduct daily. While we would rather have you worshiping with us each week personally we do understand how sometimes this may not be possible. And yet you would still like to provide your tithe (gift) in honoring God’s command. In addition, Internet giving can provide tools of convenience, enabling us to set up automatic tithing on weeks we receive our income.
Below is a link that will take you to the Faith Community Church online giving tool. You will have an opportunity to provide a simple onetime gift, a reoccurring gift, or to break up your gift into various responsibilities. You may use any of the following methods to conduct a transaction; direct draw from a checking account, credit card, or debit card. If providing a reoccurring gift be rest assured you can at any time in the future change the amount or even cancel the gift giving. Upon request the church treasurer can provide a record of your giving.
We thank you so much for your gift which will help Faith Community Church to continue conducting all of the programs it currently is supporting.